SUPER BRACKET BROS: Epic 8: T-800 v Punisher
Michael and Tanner were invited to return to the Super Bracket Bros Podcast where they debated whether the T-800 from T2 or the Punisher from Marvel’s Netflix shows would win in an ultimate battle. Sadly, Tanner was unable to make it, so Michael flew solo as he joined hosts Jay Davis & Eliah Stokes to talk about all things Terminator, the previous T-800 vs Sarah Connor battle, and if the Punisher could actually take a cyborg.
Don’t miss this one and be sure to tune into the Super Bracket Bros show for more wacky and exciting battles between your favorite fictional characters. There can only be one, and while we’ll always vote for the Terminator, that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of interesting competitors out there!
Check out the Super Bracket Bros’s episode “Epic 8: T-800 v Punisher” below!